The last two horizontal event types (range and background) require our event to have an end date. So let’s add one, and change it to the range type at the same time.

<div class="ob-timelines"
  data-title="Our First Event"
  Event Number One

We’ll see that represented on our timeline when we navigate back to it:

tiny range event on large scale horizontal timeline

But wait, why is it so small? Well, we didn’t give our codeblock any restrictions to where it should start and stop. While we can use the scroll wheel to zoom in on the event, that’s a bit annoying, so let’s jump back to our codeblock and add some params there.


That should do it. Let’s take a look at our timeline now.

a readable range event on horizontal timeline

For background events, since our event already has an end date, let’s just switch the type to background and see how that looks.

background event on horizontal timeline

That’s all available types of events for a horizontal timeline.