Example of a Frontmatter event:

start-date: 2010-06-34
end-date: 2020-01-12
title: A Time Range
description: A note
type: range
color: blue
tags: [timeline, history]

Things to note:

  • if a title key is not provided, it will use the name of the note by default.
  • color supports the same values as the Node Color (data-color) argument for HTML events.
  • type supports the same values as the Type (data-type) argument for HTML events.
  • start-date, end-date, and title may all be customized to match other installed plugins that use tags such as FC-Calendar or Digital Garden within settings. It will default to the keys listed but will search in order of specification should the user wish to add values. Multiple values are also accepted when comma-separated.

You can easily insert a frontmatter event using the Command Palette (Ctrl + P) and selecting the command: Timelines (Revamped): Insert timeline event (frontmatter).

Check HTML Arguments for more information on type and color.